Mary’s Diary
March 10, 2008:
Today is the worst day of my life. Prom is less than a month away and my dad is demanding that I go with the son of some guy he plays cards with every Wednesday night. Though I would do anything for my dad and I don’t want to hurt the boy’s feelings, he’s a complete looser and all of my friends have cool dates. Plus, I heard from Suzy that Tom told her that Brian was planning to ask me to go with him and I’ve had a crush on him for so long. Plus, he’s a senior, and like how many freshmen get asked to prom by a senior? This is my first prom and I wanted it to be perfect. I wish I could die.
March 13, 2008:
I hinted to my dad today that I would rather go to prom with Brian, who asked me yesterday, but he told me it was either go with Mark or don’t go at all. I’m so mad at him. My friends were horrified when I told them I had to turn Brian down. I know my sisters are happy though, and just because their jealous that Brian asked me. I saw both of them snickering when dad told me I had to go with Mark.
April 15, 2008:
I met Mark today. He was nice, but I still want to go with Brian. I only know Mark as the weird kid who sits by himself at lunch every day. I guess he really didn’t seem weird when I met him, but I only talked to him for a few minutes while my dad picked up some tools from his dad’s house. He gave me a rose that he picked from his neighbor’s garden which was sweet, but I still don’t even know this kid and he’s nowhere near as cute as Brian, in fact, he’s not cute at all. Of the 4,000 kids in my high school why does my dad have to be friends with his dad?
April 20, 2008:
I went and bought my dress the other day, it’s so pretty. I can’t believe prom is only a week away. Mark came with his dad to poker last night and my dad made me hangout with him for like four hours. Honestly, and I would never say this to my friends, he was actually fun to be around. He brought me another rose which was nice. Then he showed me how to play some crazy card game and even showed me a card trick that I can’t wait to show someone. When the stars came out he showed me the Big Dipper and Orion’s Belt. Anyway, I still wish I could go with Brian, but Mark really isn’t as bad as I thought he was.
April 28, 2008:
Last night didn’t go at all like I thought it would. Mark showed up with a whole bouquet of roses, the first bouquet I’ve ever gotten. He was so sweet and so gentleman like. His dad drove us to the prom in his convertible mustang. When we got there all of my friends told me to ditch Mark and come with them, but I just couldn’t do that to him. But then Brian asked me to dance and I couldn’t say no. While we were out on the dance floor I saw a bunch of Brian’s friends go over to Mark and then I saw him run out of the gym. I went to see what was going on and Tom told me that they told him he was a looser and I only came with him because I had to. I felt so bad. I ran out looking for him and found him walking home. I told him that they were all jerks and that I would much rather spend time with him than with any of them. And to be honest I would. He might not be as cute as Brian, though I don’t know why I ever thought he was as ugly as I did, or as popular as Brian, but he’s so sweet and fun to be around. We talked for a long time and I never thought I would say this, but I like him. He’s supposed to call me later tonight and I can’t wait.